Representative Committee positions


Representative Committee roles (field/winter season)


Junior Representative Convenor  


· Work with Representative Director to coordinate the junior representative committee

· Work with representative trial coordinator to support selection process

·  monitor the SEHA representative convenor email address

·  Liaise with HNSW competitions office on behalf of SEHA.

· Liaise with junior carnival contacts and arrange entry with support from age coordinators

·  Work with representative director to prepare nomination forms and appoint coaches.

· Support age coordinators who will primarily deal with team managers in their age groups.

  • Identify umpires with support from SEHA umpire development and nominate them for carnivals and state championships.

Commitment period: late January to late June

Junior representative trial coordinator


·  Work with representative director and junior representative convenor to schedule and publicise representative trials

·  Prepare representative trial nomination forms for players and selectors.

·  Work with representative director and junior representative convenor to appoint selectors for the trials

·  Prepare representative selection documents based on nominations received.

·  Attend representative trials as scheduled.

·  Work with selectors to finalise representative teams.

·  Work with junior representative convenor to announce junior representative teams.

Commitment period: late January to late March

Age coordinators


·  Work with representative convenor to identify managers for each team in age group

·  Act as a conduit for communication and a point of escalation for managers and coaches in your age group

·  Bring matters raised to the attention of the representative convenor as required

· Work with representative convenor to ensure teams in your age group enter carnivals and state championships as required

· Work with finance coordinator and uniform/equipment coordinator for your required age group activities.

· Assist representative convenor by working with teams in your age group to identify umpires.

U18: late February to May

U16: March to June

U14: late February to mid-June

U12: April to early July

Open Representative convenor

· Work with Representative Director to coordinate the open representative committee

· Liaise with HNSW competitions office on behalf of SEHA for opens teams.

·  Work with representative director to prepare nomination forms and appoint coaches

·  Work with representative director and selectors to select, finalise and announce representative teams.

· Support coaches and team managers of opens teams.

· Work with representative finance coordinator and uniform/equipment coordinator regarding opens teams.

Commitment period: April to mid-June.

Indoor committee roles (indoor/summer season)

Indoor Representative Convenor  


· Work with Representative Director to coordinate the indoor representative committee

· Coordinate the trial process.

·  monitor the SEHA indoor representatives email address

·  Liaise with HNSW competitions office on behalf of SEHA.

· Liaise with junior carnival contacts and arrange entry with support from age coordinators

·  Work with representative director to prepare nomination forms and appoint coaches.

·  Prepare selection documents based on nominations received.

·  Attend indoor representative trials as scheduled.

·  Work with selectors to finalise representative teams.

·  announce junior representative teams.

· Support age coordinators who will primarily deal with team managers in their age groups.

  • Identify umpires with support from SEHA umpire development and nominate them for carnivals and state championships.

Commitment period: late-August to mid-December

Indoor age coordinators


·  Work with indoor representative convenor to identify managers for each team in age group

·  Act as a conduit for communication and a point of escalation for managers and coaches in your age group

·  Bring matters raised to the attention of the indoor representative convenor as required

· Work with indoor representative convenor to ensure teams in your age group enter carnivals and state championships as required

· Work with finance coordinator and uniform/equipment coordinator for your required age group activities.

· Assist indoor representative convenor by working with teams in your age group to identify umpires.

U18: September to November

U16: October to November

U14: October to December

Opens: August to September


Field and Indoor season roles (can be single or combined season roles)


Representatives finance coordinator


  •  Work with SEHA Finance Director and Representative Director to finalise representative budget
  • Set up payment links on RevSport and work with age coordinators and representative convenor to provide to team managers and families\
  • Deal with any queries or escalations
  • Work with age coordinators and convenors to ensure all players have paid representative fees
  • Work with SEHA finance director to arrange payments to coaches and umpires

Commitment: Sporadic tasks throughout the field and indoor season, but main workload is during team formation in March/Aprill and September/October.

Uniform/equipment coordinator

  •    Work with age coordinators to distribute and recollect equipment to and from coaches
  • Work with age coordinator to distribute shirts to junior and opens teams and ensure their return.
  • Conduct an annual stocktake of shirts and equipment to assist with determining needs for future years.
  • Act as escalation point for queries to and from SEHA’s uniform provider.
  •  Keep SEHA storage unit organised.

Commitment: Sporadic tasks throughout the field and indoor season, but main workload is during team formation in March/Aprill and September/October.
